ReLocalize Creativity

Where do we have the most opportunity to make the most difference to our lives? We believe the answer lies in the place where we live, our neighborhood.

Relocalize Creativity is a big idea based on this opportunity. It is our chance (and challenge) to rebalance globalization and rebuild resilient neighborhoods.

The diagram below shows the components of Relocalize Creativity and how they work together.

Produced by OmniGraffle 7.19.2\n2021-12-30 01:02:28 +0000 ReLocalize Creativity Layer 1 PATHWAYS TOOLS MENTORS METHODS PATTERNS One Idea SEE THE SYSTEMS PROGRAMS PARTNERS RE LOCALIZE One Million Neighborhoods COMMUNICATION PLATFORM CREATIVITY Please click on any of the text in this graphic to explore each topic further.

We suggest visitors begin exploring our temple with the roof, RE LOCALIZE. Then excavate the foundation, CREATIVITY, before working up each section of the building.

Our ambitious aim is to take this one idea and bring it to one million neighborhoods globally.


Our approach to Relocalizing Creativity is illustrated in the Diamond Diagram below. Diamond Diagrams are a tool used by an initiative called Qulturum which helped inspire our work.

Our key driver is local Learning and Development. Our methods are See the Systems and Collective Action coordinated through Neighborhood Development Cooperatives. Our aim is local regeneration.

# A Diamond Diagram: Philosophy at the top. Goal at the bottom. Critical methods are in the middle (Six or fewer).