**Problem:** Our world has gone too far toward globalization, toward remote control, toward "one size fits all", toward experts know best, toward dependence on faceless decisionmakers.

There is no doubt that Corporations and Governments have made our lives easier in the short term. However, they have turned neighbors into consumers and neighborhoods into marketplaces. Over time they have depleted our local wealth, our know-how and our independence.

As a result, in our neighborhoods we have largely forgotten how to take care of each other, how to grow our own food, how to build our own houses, how to protect each other, how to educate our children and one another, how to work together for and with people we know, how to care for our elders and children and less fortunate ones, how to be healthy, how to take care of our place on the earth.

This makes our neighborhoods fragile and lacking the resilience to cope with the challenges to come.

**Therefore:** We must refocus on our locales, our places on earth and cooperate in order to take care of ourselves and our shared sacred places.


# Thinking together, acting together creatively we can:

For other suggested program topics see: Earth ReGenerators and Local Futures . I am preparing FedWiki pages for the key content in both of these sites and will obtain permission before "going public".

Please add others.

# A pattern language for re-localizing neighborhood functions will emerge if we look for it.