# Monday Introductions: What they are seeking etc. Scores on Confidence and Motivation Theory of Systems: Principles, BOTGs and CLDs Circles in the air p45; Everything but sleep; Paper Fold p105 Power of Exponential: Squares on a chessboard exercise (excel ssheet) Practice: Hospital Beds; Verruca; Ugly Indian
# Tuesday Warm up: Scores on Confidence and Motivation Pens Game p69, Software tools: Vensim, Loopy, Cauzality Select systems to explore – They picked: Climate Change; Population Extinction; War
# Wednesday Scores on Confidence and Motivation Triangles Game p. 39 Stock Flow Diagrams Burger stall simulation (Excel s/sheet) Infection Developing a simple model in Vensim (video) Work on Projects Blind fold game p85
# Thursday Scores on Confidence and Motivation Paper Tear exercise p111 SD Comic Book Chapter 5 exercises Thumb wrestling game p141 Harvest (Fishing Game) p75 Splash videos
YOUTUBE cFH45qWwJxU Splash Intro (Creative Learning Exchange)
# Friday Final prep on project presentations (Process/Diagrams/Key Learning/Implications/ Next steps) Arms crossed game p11 Delivery of presentations Role play (Mars Mission) Share my Climate Change Model Share and discuss resources sheet Use Waters Foundation rubric for self assessment and to create next steps to build on the course. Final scores on Confidence and Motivation and questions

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NB All page references are to "The Climate Change Playbook"