We help communities to become learning organizations (high performing systems) by sharing our tools and skills with community activists.
We inspire activists to engage groups in campfire conversations around cave drawings which enable them to - see the systems around them; - Identify leverage points; - Design and conduct experiments; and - Learn from their experiences.
This empowers communities to become coherent and resilient.
Coherence is about unifying. It is about strengthening connections and relationships around shared values.
Resilience is more than viability. It is about future proofing your community ensuring we have considered boundaries and time frames. Quick fixes and symptom masking destroy our future resilience. The foundation of resilience is local creativity and economy.

Getting sh1t done!
We call our ambitious initiative Relocalise Creativity. We aim to spread this one idea to one million neighborhoods via a process we call SODOTO.
We would love to meet you for a campfire conversation to discuss the potential in your neighbourhood.